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REMS Main Catalogue


Innovative products and a high standard of quality open new markets for REMS. In the last years the market area has been continuously build-up and extended. Reliable trade partners throughout Europe and beyond guarantee that ever more customers can be persuaded of the quality of REMS.

More than 20,000 Trading Partners

More than 20,000 trade partners in Europe: REMS products are available locally everywhere


Threading, Roll Grooving Sawing Cutting, Chamfering, Deburring Assembling, Testing, Flushing, Filling Bending Radial Press Jointing Axial Press Jointing Expanding, Extracting Soldering, Brazing Freezing Pipe and Drain Cleaning and Inspection Plastic pipe welding Diamond Core Drilling, Diamond Chasing Saw Product Videos  Extension of the Manufacturer's Warranty

Sales subsidiaries in many countries deliver optimum conditions for users and trade outlets.

REMS sets benchmarks for quality throughout Europe – the sales are carried out through the tight network of reliable trade partners in the whole of Europe which are in turn supported by more than 200 well trained REMS specialist advisors.

We reach the Benchmarks Sales Subsidiaries

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